What we Do
Project   Identification
▼ What type of Customer do we look for?
Companies and organizations with a steady consumption of electricity
▼ What facilities are suitable?
Those operating in sites with available rooftop/area to install the solar panels
▼ What financial variables we look for?
Companies/organizations with solid business base and steady income, with limitations to invest directly in renewables (i.e.public organizations, entities, private companies with previous free-cash flow commitments, etc)
▼ How do we assess the technical aspects?
We tailor PV & Power configurations to efficiently supply of the current and future energy needs of the Customer 

Modelling the Investment
▼ What yield do we expect from the projects?
For the Customer, the expected utility savings must justify the PPA.  
For the investor, the project should guarantee a return similar to those obtained by shares and other variable income assets.
▼  How do we cover risk?
Business risk: In depth study of the Costumer needs and its evolution. Business interruption insurance.
 Operational risk, covered by our SLA with the O&M subcontrator..
Financial Risk: Audit as part of the PPA and underwriting default risk.. 
Legal risk: PPA I & SLA are contracts between independent parties, thus not subject to tariff regulations. The project is owned by independent legal structure (SPV) only bound to the customer by the PPA. 
Collateral: Assets (PV Panels & equipment) are owned by the investor at all times 

"Key in hand Investment"
▼  Is it really Bespoke?
Our streamlined processes enable us to offer customers & investor a bespoke solution. 
▼  Can the project be leveraged?
The described assement enables to ascertain free cashflows, which will then determine the capital structure 
▼ Is raising capital feasible?   
The  underwriting of all aspects streamlines capital rasing.
▼ Is securitization possible?
Each investment project has ideal structure to be securitized, either by itself, or packaged with other projects to diversify risk. Similar projects (i.e. gas stations) or dissimilar (schools, warehouses etc) can be thus packaged for securitization.
▼  Is there an exit strategy?
Legal structure, project configuration, PPA & SLA, O&M and underwriting contracts are set  for an unencumbered exit.
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